Abandoned Office

Artem – Stage 8. September 2020

You see a rusty door with a big crack in the middle. You think it is safe, but as you open it, it screams in agony and then breaks into pieces. You scream, but the sense of curiosity  moves you forward. 

You can’t really see anything because it is very dark in the hall, but you keep moving forward the hopes of seeing light. You reach your arms out in front of you and feel an old, cold, metal handle. You twist it and, as the door opens, a burst of light hits your eyes. 

You are blinded by the flash of light, but you can smell old coffee, and you can feel dust attacking your nose. 

You open your eyes and see a big wooden desk with a cup of old and smelly coffee on it. Beside it you can see a computer saying it has 5% of battery left, but still not turning off – maybe because it is unable to do so. 

Just to the right of the desk you can see an old printing machine still printing. It is making strange sounds, which reminds you of the sound that a train makes when it passes at full speed, and the papers are falling into a messy pile on the floor.  

You look to the right and see a giant bookshelf with thousands of books. They are all very dusty, and their dates of release vary across a wide range of numbers, over decades, perhaps even centuries. You can see books of different colours and types. 

To the left you see a giant map with dust on it, so you blow the dust off and see all the countries. Below it, you can see a lot of small crates with journals on them and some dead plants, which must have been beautiful once. 

You’ve now seen everything in front of you, to the left and to the right, so you turn around and study the door you opened. It’s very big and you notice that this door is completely snow-white, without even a single scratch. You think that that is very strange because you are in an abandoned office but then you see something as scary as hell. You turn around and scream. 

In the corner of the room you can see a big, red clown’s pompom. At the side of it is a curved, scary, blood-covered knife. You look down and notice bloody traces leading to a chest in the other corner of the room. The chest looks very old and gigantic – an ideal place for a murderer to hide.  

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